
Showing posts from February, 2020

Representation Sweeps at the Oscars

This past Sunday was one of my favorite days of the entire year, the Oscars! The one night of the year when actors, directors, producers, and everyone involved in the film making process come together and celebrate their achievements of the last year. Some of the awards went as expected (I went 4/4 in predicting the acting categories, and 20/24 overall, but who's counting), while others were quite a surprise (no spoilers if you have not watched yet, but I guessed Best Director and Best Picture incorrectly.) However the highlights of the night for me were not who was winning what or who was wearing what outfit by x designer, it was the Academy's embrace of representation for those with disabilities! Yes, you heard that right, in an industry where only recently real representation has been on a topic on everyone's mind, and during an evening where actors with disabilities were overlooked entirely in the nominations, there were two distinct moments of representatio...